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Unexpected Error with Query Parameter in Power Pages Portal

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I'm encountering an issue in my Power Pages portal when using year as a query parameter in the URL. Here’s the scenario:
  1. When the URL is structured as ?activationId=<value>&year=<value>, I receive the error:
    "The year query parameter is not supported."
  2. However, if I swap the order to ?year=<value>&activationId=<value>, it works fine.

The year parameter's value is correct (a valid record ID), and the error only occurs when year is used in the second position of the query string.

I've ensured proper URL encoding for all parameters..

How can I use year as a query parameter without causing this issue?

  • Suggested answer
    oliver.rodrigues Profile Picture
    oliver.rodrigues 8,955 on at
    Unexpected Error with Query Parameter in Power Pages Portal
    I just tested this and didn't have any issues, do you have any custom Liquid code that could be validating on all request params that could be throwing this error? 
  • Suggested answer
    Fubar Profile Picture
    Fubar 7,647 on at
    Unexpected Error with Query Parameter in Power Pages Portal
    Liquid can't read local storage etc as it runs server side - you would have to implement that in JavaScript on the receiving page.
    My question would be, how were you adding the url paramter that you were having the issue with? (and is it a field value on the current record?)
  • CU26111754-0 Profile Picture
    CU26111754-0 10 on at
    Unexpected Error with Query Parameter in Power Pages Portal
    The error is solved but instead of passing as query param can we use js cookies or session storage.How we can retrieve them using liquid code. I didn't found anything for that
  • CU26111754-0 Profile Picture
    CU26111754-0 10 on at
    Unexpected Error with Query Parameter in Power Pages Portal
    i rename year with other param also but it also not working,

    The error  i got on console 
    {"code":"9004010B","message":"The [param_name] query parameter is not supported"}
  • Suggested answer
    SaiRT14 Profile Picture
    SaiRT14 1,549 on at
    Unexpected Error with Query Parameter in Power Pages Portal
    Some query parameter names (like year) may conflict with reserved words or built-in functions in the Power Pages framework, causing unpredictable behavior. or The order of query parameters may affect how they are parsed if specific logic is implemented in the portal or custom scripts.
    The simplest fix is to avoid using year as a query parameter. Instead, use an alternative name like yearId, yr, or customYear. - ?activationId=<value>&yearId=<value>
    let me know whether it fixes your issue?

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