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Power Pages - Improved Navigation in Multistep Form?

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Has anyone been able to implement an improved navigation in multistep forms? You can configure a progress bar out-of-the-box which is useful for telling the end users how far into the multistep form they have progressed, but what would be really useful is something which allows the user to instantly navigate to a form step of their choosing which has already been completed.
For some context, the requirements/context I am working within are quite difficult:
  1. My multistep form has about 15 forms steps in it (hence the need for a way to quickly navigate to different steps from any given step which the user may be on
  2. My multistep form also has conditional routing in it, so the order of steps changes based on how the end user answers the questions
If anyone has any ideas or has implemented a similar thing it would be great to hear it - any advice is appreciated!
  • Suggested answer
    oliver.rodrigues Profile Picture
    oliver.rodrigues 8,962 on at
    Power Pages - Improved Navigation in Multistep Form?
    If you are looking for a more custom solution, you will need to do the following:
    • Configuration data to define steps that are clickable or the from/to of each step
    • Apply JS to the Portal to inject logic to the Steps themselves
    • A function to manipulate the adx_webformsession record that defines the current step of the session - this can be an Azure Function or indirectly calling a Dataverse plug-in 
    You need to be careful with what may happen on the next/previous path. This would be a highly custom solution and needs to be thoroughly tested just FYI
  • Vikash001 Profile Picture
    Vikash001 40 on at
    Power Pages - Improved Navigation in Multistep Form?
    Hi Oliver,
    Thank you for the suggestion, but unfortunately that solution does not work in this case as there are too many child pages to create for this scenario. By any chance is there a code solution of this that you may have come across?
  • oliver.rodrigues Profile Picture
    oliver.rodrigues 8,962 on at
    Power Pages - Improved Navigation in Multistep Form?
    One of the big challenges of a "clickable multi-step form" is exactly when you have branching logic
    Take a look at this article to see if it helps with your solution:

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