I'm working on implementing SSO within the Dynamics Live Chat widget.
Here's my code snippet
const signInIds = [];
window.Microsoft.Omnichannel.LiveChatWidget.SDK.setBotAuthTokenProvider(async (botTokenUrl, callback) => {
const urlSearchParams = new URLSearchParams(botTokenUrl);
const signInId = urlSearchParams.get("state");
if (signInIds.includes(signInId)) { // Ignore authenticated sign-in cards
callback({show: false}); // Hide card
const authUrl = ""; // Customer's Authentication API
const authResponse = await fetch(authUrl, method: "POST"});
const {token} = authResponse; // Customer's Auth Token
const data = {
token: "token"
const payload = {
method: "POST",
headers: {
"Content-Type": "application/json"
body: JSON.stringify(data)
try {
const botAuthResponse = await fetch(botTokenUrl, payload); // Posts Auth Token to Bot directly
// Sign in through Bot is successful
if (botAuthResponse.status === 200) {
signInIds.push(signInId); // Track authenticated sign-in card
callback({show: false}); // Hide card
if (botAuthResponse.status === 404 || botAuthResponse.status == 202) {
callback({show: false}); // Hide card
} else {
// Other condition handling
} catch (error) {
callback({show: true}); // Show sign-in card by default
However, I'm having trouble hiding the default login card that appears from Copilot. Do you have any workarounds for this?