I have an excel sheet that we use to update data. It looks like this.
we type in the date and time to pull in specific information, and click refresh.
This is a desktop file due to sharepoint and excel web application will not allow us to use macros or queries.
Is there a way to have this file on my onedrive, and then create a flow to update this data every 30 mins. and then copy information to the sharepoint file?
the sharepoint excel file is created every day as a new file already, so I would need a way to trigger the flow to know what date and time and which file that needs updating at any given time.
files are created every day and look like this. "filename_12_21_24_" so my folder has every day of the month with these files in them. I only want to update the file that has todays date.
This is what shows up in the queries and connections
http://justusingpartofthelink.net/xlsrpt/frmResult.aspx?id=PRS00011&StartDate=["Begin Date","Begin Date"]&EndDate=["End Date","End Date"]
What is my best way to accomplished this data update?