I’ve created a Python-based Azure Bot using Bot Framework V4 and have already deployed it in App Service. I referred to the documentation to add that bot as a skill in Copilot Studio bot (https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/bot-service/skill-implement-skill?view=azure-bot-service-4.0&tabs=python).
However, due to a validation error, I am unable to add the manifest URL. I’ve placed the manifest in Blob Storage and made it publicly accessible. According to the documentation, I checked the validity of the JSON file, and all the required properties are present.
At the same time I added the copilot app ID to authorized client applications under "expose an API" in azure bot.
I also referred to this article by @cloudatica (https://cloudatica.medium.com/adding-azure-bot-as-a-skill-in-microsoft-copilot-studio-power-virtual-agent-7415b3daeab3), but I couldn’t find a proper solution. Is there any way to debug the manifest file?
"$schema": "https://schemas.botframework.com/schemas/skills/v2.2/skill-manifest.json", "$id": "xxx-crmbot-skill-010", "name": "xxxCRMBotSkill", "version": "1.0", "description": "Production endpoint for SkillBot in xxxx", "publisherName": "xxxxxxx.", "privacyUrl": "https://www.abcdef.com/privacy-policies", "copyright": "Copyright (c) xxxxxx. All rights reserved.", "license": "", "iconUrl": "https://img.icons8.com/ios/100/000000/product.png", "tags": [ "CRM", "Product Inquiry", "Stock Availability" ], "endpoints": [ { "name": "default", "protocol": "BotFrameworkV3", "description": "Production endpoint for xxx CRM Bot", "endpointUrl": "https://xxxxxxxxxxxx.azurewebsites.net/api/messages", "msAppId": "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx" } ], "activities": { "inquireProductAvailability": { "type": "message", "description": "Action to inquire about product availability", "triggerPatterns": [ { "regex": "(check|find) (product|stock) availability" } ] }, "message": { "type": "message", "description": "Handles the user's utterance" }, "typing": { "type": "typing" }, "conversationUpdate": { "type": "conversationUpdate" } } }