Announcing our 2025 Season 1 Super Users!
A new season of Super Users has arrived, and we are so grateful for the daily difference they've made in the Community. We can't wait to see the impact that these incredible individuals will have!
How to Spot a Super User in the Community
Have you written a post or asked for help in the Community, and had it answered by a user with the 'Super User' title next to their name? It means you've found the actual, real-life superheroes of the Power Platform Community! Super Users consistently make a difference in the Community by bringing about clarity on questions, suggesting solutions, and reporting inappropriate content. They also provide feedback and share valuable insights on ways to keep the Community growing, engaging, and looking ahead!
Please join us in welcoming our 2025 Season 1 Super Users!
2025 Season 1 Super Users:
365-Assist | elseb | OliverRodrigues | TuongDoan |
a33ik | EmadBeshai | parvezghumra | UshaJyothi20 |
AARON_C | enriqueglopez | Paulie78 | VauBee |
abouchaalaBAIT | EricRegnier | Phineas | Velegandla |
Adrian_Celis | Ethan_009 | PierreCA | victorcp |
Agnius | Expiscornovus | poweractivate | VishalJhaveri |
Ahammad_Riyaz | FLMike | PowerAddict | VishnuReddy1997 |
AhmedSalih | fm_skeller | Prabhakar_S | WarrenBelz |
Akser | Fubar | Pstork1 | WillSG |
AlbertoCastro | futr_vision | QuentinDURIEZ | WiZey |
AlexEncodian | gabibalaban | ragavanrajan | wolenberg_ |
AllanDeCastro | Gochix | Rajkumar_404 | wskinnermctc |
AmDev | grantjenkins | Ramanachiappan | wyattdave |
AmÃnAA | gulshankhurana | rampprakash | YogeshMurugn |
anandm08 | GWham | realwillwright | zbegumdost |
ANB | Mitanshu | renatoromao | SaiRT14 |
Andrew_J | harshdeol | Rhiassuring | Nandit |
AndrewR1 | iAm_ManCat | RobElliott | Vinoth Selvam |
Anil_g | inanoffice23 | Robu1 | AnthonyAmador |
annajhaveri | Inogic | RogierE | EKarim |
annetoal | IPC_ahaas | royg | Artur Stepniak |
BCBuizer | ivan_apps | rzaneti | Sayan |
BCLS776 | james1994 | rzuber | abc 123 |
BhargavPatel | Jiis | SamLed | Mark Nanneman |
BhaskarDhone | Jmanriquerios | sandeepstw | abm abm |
CatSchneider | Joseph_Fadero | SanmeshG | Giraldoj |
cchannon | JR-BejeweledOne | scalca | narayan225 |
CFernandes | jrletner | schwibach | Blake |
cha_cha | KeithAtherton | ScottShearer | Muzammil_069506 |
Chetan_Ninghot | kelseytran | SebS | Ravindra Jadhav |
Chriddle | kinuasa | ShaheerAhmad | Akshansh-Sharma |
ChrisPiasecki | Kirkby | SharePointJB | SwatiSTW |
CNT | LaurensM | Shashank Bhide | fchopo |
creativeopinion | lbendlin | Shravyashree_01 | venturemavenwil |
cwebb365 | Lucas001 | SLMR | NsL Coder |
David_MA | madlad | SpongYe | KevinGador |
DavidZoon | ManishSolanki | srduval | AndrianaO |
DBO_DV | MarkRahn | Srini007 | Mitanshu |
DCHammer | MattJimison | StretchFredrik | SamFawzi-SmartSolutions |
Deenuji | mdevaney | subsguts | H Sheild |
Hack-7 | Meekou | SudeepGhatakNZ | Nirav (Akira28) |
DianaBirkelbach | MichaelAnnis | SunilPashikanti | Kameshm05 |
DJ_Jamba | Michaelfp | S-Venkadesh | |
Dorinda | Mira_Ghaly | takolota | |
dpoggemann | mmbr1606 | TheRobRush | |
Drrickryp | MMPoweR | timl | |
EddieE | NathanAlvares24 | Tjan | |
eetuRobo | nickellis74 | tom_riha | |
ekarim2020 | Nived_Nambiar | Tomac | |
eliotcole | NPPlatform | trice602 |
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