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User group frequently asked questions

Frequently asked questions 

I am a partner, can I have a user group? 
      Yes, however, our code of conduct has language regarding using user groups as a recruiting tool or vendor sales presentations area.
Can my user group continue to receive sponsorship from ISVs/SIs partners?
Absolutely. Continue with your partnerships as you’ve always done. We view each user group as an independent organization that can manage sponsorships as they see fit.
Is there a Code of Conduct for user group participation?

Yes. Microsoft wants the user group experience to be respectful, friendly, fun, and inclusive experience for all participants. As part of the user group sign-up process, participants are asked to agree to the following Code of Conduct:  
Power BI
Power Apps
Power Automate
Copilot Studios
Dynamics 365

Microsoft will not tolerate harassment or discrimination based on age, ancestry, color, gender identity or expression, national origin, physical or mental disability, religion, sexual orientation, or any other characteristic protected by applicable local laws, regulations, and ordinances. 
If you have a concern or complaint related to your user group, first talk to your user group Leader.  If that is not practical or does not resolve your concern, please contact Microsoft directly at, which goes to our User Group Coordinator. You can also report concerns directly to Microsoft’s Business Conduct Hotline (1-877-320-MSFT or ).
What about user groups that already exist?
User groups can operate on the Microsoft ecosystem and their current platform(s) to organize and host events. We believe the new Microsoft Power Platform and Dynamics 365 community experience will offer you unparalleled features that will enable you to create and grow your user groups like never before. Our Dynamics 365 and Power Platform Community Success team now has user group coordinators, and they will be dedicated to assisting leaders and members have a smooth experience in group and event creation as well as other logistics tasks.  
Our Microsoft Community Program Managers will also be working more closely with our user group leaders supporting requests for speakers, topics, and content.
What has Microsoft launched?
New online tools to help you find, join, start, and run local user groups for Dynamics 365 and Power Platform. We are supporting the user groups with an administrative team and connections to local Microsoft employees around the world.  
User groups are currently in public preview. They are free and everyone is welcome. You can join by registering below:

Dynamics 365 User Groups
Power Platform User Groups
What support will you provide for user group leaders?
Our vision is a user groups experience that empowers you to create and grow your community together with Microsoft, enabling you to: 
  • Attract new members through exposure within the products that alert customers to local groups and events, on Microsoft community sites, and at Microsoft events. 
  • Manage membership and events with easy-to-use tools and support from Microsoft product teams.
  • Enjoy leadership rewards and connections with Microsoft.  
We will have dedicated user group administrators available via in-community private messaging and email for your questions and feedback. The administrators hold regular meetings between leaders and the Power Platform and Dynamics 365 Community Success Teams. We are also looking into creating a user group BOT leveraging Copilot Studios. 
Additionally, we’ve developed a user group playbook (available via the Community Tenant - learn how to sign up below) and learning series with veteran user group leaders and our Community Success Teams to share best practices, templates, and how-to's.
Access our User Group Leader Functionality support article in each community below:

Power BI
Power Apps
Power Automate
Copilot Studios
Dynamics 365

Will leaders have access to Microsoft Teams to host virtual user group meetings?

Yes, Microsoft Teams is provided as part of the Community Tenant offering from the Microsoft Teams Engineering team. Sign up for future user group announcements by registering at Dynamics 365 User Groups and Power Platform User Groups. 
Register for your free Community Tenant today. Follow our support article listed in each community:
Power BI
Power Apps
Power Automate
Copilot Studios
Dynamics 365

Will the User Group Administrator have resources for in-person meetings (i.e. booking conference rooms/meeting sites and hosting virtual meetings)?
Our User Group Administrators will have access to resources, but we’re still working on the details. Our team will also be providing all user group leaders with a best practices playbook, templates, how-to's, and demos on how to best utilize the user group experience in our communities and also on Microsoft Teams.  
Will you support national or other “collections” of user groups (e.g., a top-level community with chapters)?
Yes. Our focus is on empowering a large number of individual user groups. We hope leaders organize and collaborate with each other to encourage their members to succeed and do more at work. We will support leaders through connections with our Community Success Team to identify the best ways to support them and their members.
Will you support user groups for all regions?
Yes. We’ve seen tremendous product growth globally for Dynamics 365 and Power Platform products. Our vision is to enable a thriving local community of users across the world so community members can network, learn, and support each other.
Can you provide customer lists so leaders can invite them to participate in our local chapter?
Due to data privacy reasons, we can’t share customer lists. However, we plan to enable in-product notifications to help users find local user groups and events. Leaders will be able to contact their members via private message in-community and on the discussion area of the user group page.
How is this related to Microsoft’s other user group offerings on Microsoft Tech Community (MTC) or Azure Tech Groups?
Unlike MTC, this new offering solely focuses on Dynamics365 and Power Platform user group experience. Microsoft Tech Community is a partner just like Microsoft Answers and Microsoft Azure Tech Groups. 
What products can I create a user group for?
User groups can be created for Dynamics 365, Power Platform, and each Power Platform product (Power Apps, Power BI, Power Automate, and Copilot Studios).  
On-premises products and Dynamic’s services and apps can be created under Dynamics 365 with a focus area listed in the description. For user groups with a “Business Applications” title, we recommend creating your user group under the Power Platform user group area.  
If you need additional guidance on your naming structure, always feel free to reach out to your user group administrator. 

If you need user group related support, please submit your support request via our community support form:
If you would like to provide your feedback on the community user group experience, please submit your feedback using our feedback form:
Launching the new user group experience is part of a long-term investment we’re making into our communities, and it is with your collaboration that we will create and grow together.


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