Hello Everyone Happy Holidays !
I think I'm on the right track, but I have some concerns on how to implement properly, any assistance is greatly appreciated !
I'm trying to re-create a sample submission form to assist with tracking raw material samples and automating our processes. My first thought is to create a canvas power app where my end user can fill out the needed information and it would generate a pdf doc that would save to a SharePoint doc library, also I would like to capture each entry that the end user submitted and post the metadata to the document library for certain information and a SP list for the different types of samples submitted. My thought is to have the top sections metadata included in the document library and then the sample information table below would be tied to a list since there can be multiple samples being submitted at one time. We have a form that we have to use so I've taken that pdf and converted it to a word doc and have been working on creating content controls and a repeating table for the samples table section. The part I'm getting hung up on is the section that has the multiple check boxes for each condition or type. Ideally, I'd want to have this saved in the doc library as 5 different multiple choice fields where you can select more than 1 checkbox, but I'm not sure if that possible? Also, would I need to create content types within the document library for each entry or is there an alternate way for displaying this information?
I'm contemplating if I should go another route and use this form as a template and setup document sets, my goal is to assist my master scheduler with planning and getting all of this information within a canvas app was my initial thought; Just need some advice on the best way forward.