Hello everyone,
I have programmed a Power Apps for my company with which employees fill columns of a SharePoint list for repair orders.
In this Power Apps there is a PenInput via which the employees should sign when the repair order is completed.
With the help of a video tutorial, I have managed to save the signature via JSON as a Base64 string in a text column in my list.
Now I want to use a flow in Power Automate to automatically create a repair report in HTML with the information from the Sharepoint list.
That works so far. With the exception of the signature.
In the video tutorial, the quotation marks of the Base64 string were removed using the Replace function. That didn't work for me at all. As a test, I tried to replace the “d” from “data”. That worked well. However, it did not want to remove the quotation marks.
However, I don't think that's the problem.
I want to include the signature as an image in my HTML code. For this I want to use a dynamic expression that outputs the content of the signature column as a Base64 string.
If I now generate the HTML document, the Base64 string is displayed where the signature should be displayed, including the width height and alternative text information.
Now as a test I copied the Base64 string as it is displayed in the document including the quotation marks and paste it into the HTML code. The now generated document shows the signature as an image, as desired (please ignore the blue color).
So i don't think that the Base64 String is the problem but something with the dynamic content or the order in which power automate works.
HTML-Code with copied string:
I already tried a lot of things and read every forum entry i could find but nothing worked. I am pretty sure it is just a small thing but something you will never find out if you don't know it.
Can you help me? Do you have an idea what the problem is? Maybe even a smarter way to achieve what i am trying to do?
Thanks a lot already!
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