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Power Apps - Building Power Apps
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How do I successfully update a table in production with a table from development?

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Posted on by 797 Super User 2025 Season 1
I learned awhile back that even though you deploy your app from development to production that the table data doesn't go along with it. That being said, what I've been attempting to do all day is export a table out of development and import it into production. I believe I am following all the steps. I export the table which produces a zip file with a csv in it. I extract that csv and go to the production environment and to the solutiojn(managed) and find the table I am looking to update. I click import and find the file I exported. The file uploads and chooses the correct connection. (I am curious why the file name increments with each upload). 
The next step I get a preview of the file. All looks good
Next step I get a power query window. I think this looks fine. Not really sure if there is anything there I need to do. I usually just click "Next" but I have tried changing the name found here with no obvious results.

I click next and then choose to "Load to existing table" and the destination table
Then the next section I choose to merge the data
And the last section I choose the key column and check the mapping. All looks good.
Now I click the Next button again. Next screen I choose Refresh manually and click the Publish button in the lower right corner. 
It looks like it successfully executes although I get no confirmations. However, if I check the table, nothing has been updated. I am guessing that the publish failed but I don't know why. Perhaps I am doing something wrong. Any one have an idea what is going wrong?
  • Suggested answer
    Mahesh Chintha Profile Picture
    Mahesh Chintha 158 on at
    How do I successfully update a table in production with a table from development?
    You can also leverage Dataverse CMT(Configuration Migration Tool) to migrate the reference data between the environments as per the below recommended documentation:
  • scalca Profile Picture
    scalca 239 Super User 2025 Season 1 on at
    How do I successfully update a table in production with a table from development?
    have you also considered to use this path
    instead doing the export import way ? 

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