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External Id claims contact mapping

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Is it possible to map an existing contact to a custom claim, from an external identity provider authentication, and not the standard sub claim? I have a unique identifier in the claim I need to map to an existing pre-configured contact.
  • thordurg Profile Picture
    thordurg 9 on at
    External Id claims contact mapping
    Thank you for all your suggestions.
    This is certainly not possible, as suggested, to achieve directly with the Power Pages connector. The solution was to use Azure B2C and set up the external provider there. That allowed us to create the power pages contact user and Azure user beforehand, and then map the the authentication claim to the user.
  • Suggested answer
    oliver.rodrigues Profile Picture
    oliver.rodrigues 8,962 on at
    External Id claims contact mapping
    If possible, I think you should look into a custom invitation business process, so you can create an Invitation record for the correct ID based on your Identity Provider specific claim.
    Another approach, but not sure if it's really possible would be to use pre-validation/pre-operation Plug-ins in Dataverse and basically interject the creation of  the contact record when they are signing-up, and instead of creating, passing to the context the existing Contact based on your business logic.
    No idea if that would work, and it would be considered something very custom.
  • Suggested answer
    Fubar Profile Picture
    Fubar 7,647 on at
    External Id claims contact mapping
    If what you are saying is that you have an existing Contact with the nin and when someone registers from the External Identity Provider you want to map that External Identity to that Contact based on the nin - then out of the box the answer would be No (only mapping available is is email address mapping - or via invitations).
  • thordurg Profile Picture
    thordurg 9 on at
    External Id claims contact mapping
    I'm essentially looking to associate a unique contact record with a matching unique claim value and automatically assigning the contact after the user successfully signs in. This seems to be supported oob for emails.
    My scenario is that I have an external provider that returns an id_token that includes a claim called nin, national identification number that I would like to map to a pre configured contact, somehow, and without sending an invitation, if possible.

  • Suggested answer
    oliver.rodrigues Profile Picture
    oliver.rodrigues 8,962 on at
    External Id claims contact mapping
    You can map any returned Claim within the Token to a field in the Contact record. -
    However not sure if you mean mapping the main unique id that will be used to authenticate the user, I don't think we can do that. Can you give more details?

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