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SharePoint sub folder Creation with Document Management and Power Pages

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Hello, I've successfully integrated SharePoint with my portal, and everything is working as expected. However i want to modify the current functionality of the SharePoint folder creation process. Currently when a user accesses the upload area for the first time through power page, a SharePoint folder is automatically created for them. I'd like to automatically create subfolders within this initial folder, with specific names, so that users can upload files directly to these designated folders without having to create them manually. I am trying to create an automate flow to achieve this but not able to. Could you please provide some guidance on how to achieve this?
Additionally, My thought process is that it is somehow tied to Document Location Table in power Pages . My Main table , MyTable must have some reference to document location table, which lets it know that the next step of the multistep form will be upload within the same location. So i was thinking of creating a record in Document location table, basically creating a main folder in sharepoint first then in document location. Only drawback or blocker for this is that i don't know how MyTable Reference the location stored in document location table. Please sugesst.
  • RK2021 Profile Picture
    RK2021 41 on at
    SharePoint sub folder Creation with Document Management and Power Pages
    I think this previous post and the series of guides it references will be useful for this query:
    It can definitely be achieved as I had faced the same issue of the default folders being created rather than something with a meaningful title - you may just need to tweak it slightly to build sub-folders rather than separate locations.
    The key to the link between your Dataverse table and the SharePoint folder is indeed the Document Location table, primarily the relative path value which can cause issues if not set correctly. The above covers this and I found it really useful in the past.

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