I have a Combo box that has the following Items FX "Office365Users.SearchUserV2({searchTerm:ComboboxCanvas2.SearchText,top:20}).value"
And the Fields are set to only expect MailNickname
Then on other files I'm then stuff like "ComboboxCanvas2.Selected.DisplayName" to pull Display Name and ComboboxCanvas2.Selected.Department to pull Department
When it comes to Phone number I have Concat(ComboboxCanvas2.Selected.BusinessPhones,Value," ,")
However it doesn't seem to pull a telephone number and mobile phone number at the same time. Also if a phone number doesn't exist it leaves the data card blank.
How can I get the FX to pull the required information formatted with / in between each entry and also have it output N/a into the data card if no data is found from the Office365Users.SearchUserV2 BusinessPhones value?